Reset Your Metabolism, Get Tone & Lean Using Just 5-Foods & 5-Movements You Can Do At home
THEN >>> go pursue your dreams lIKE a BEAST
By selling the MOST exciting cash program available for Healthcare clinics!

Here's How This Program May Be the Final Piece of the Puzzle Needed For Your Business
#1: Show me a struggling (or average) clinic today and I'll show you 3 Reasons Causing it. They are:
1. Trying to Sell "Therapy" Services.
There's an easier way. Many don't want to pay out of pocket for therapy during a recession when insurance may cover it. I don't have anything against trying,... it's just there's an easier way.
2. No Great Offer.
Without a great offer, it's nearly impossible to have any success with advertising or marketing efforts.
3. No Proven Cash Program.
When you have a proven, top-selling program that people want to pay cash for, it becomes a massive funnel for more new clients. It acts as a bridge for more new patients. Most who buy this program need therapy services as well (over 73%). Once they know you, and trust that you deliver results, it's golden!
#2: Sell A Results-Oriented Cash Program That Changes Lives
There are programs that help people feel a little bit better and then there are programs that change lives. One of the highest searched phrases on Google right now is "How to lose weight". And in a recent national survey, 71% of people said their health is more important than their duty to job and family." This program is a proven top-selling all cash program that sells better when offered by a healthcare professional than by a fitness pro.
#3: Add Excitement to Your Organization
When staff are excited, the business grows. Helping your team improve health, get tone and lean generates a lot of excitement. "Health" and "weight-loss" are #1 needs - and - wants for consumers today including your staff. This program can help pave the way for you and your team to doing something together and grow stronger bonds together.
Important Note: This program can help you 1) Stop trying to sell "therapy", 2) Have a great offer to more easily market and advertise, 3) Sell More Cash Programs while gaining more new patients to boot!
What Is The "AfterBURN: 21-Day metabolic Reset Program"?
This program Gets you tone, lean & strong using just 5-Foods and 5-Movements to RESET Your metabolism, and burn more calories, all day long. What's nice is that it Replaces Long Boring Cardio, Expensive Diet Plans & packaged meals, and gym membership

Eat Smarter (Not Less)
These 5 foods can be found in any grocery store (and are cheaper than bad foods). And when prepped correctly and eaten at the right time, you boost metabolism. We're gonna eat smarter, not less.

Workout Smarter (Not Longer)
The MFM movements take just 7 to 21 minutes and can be done anywhere! (Because we’re gonna workout SMARTER, not longer).

Designed to Boost Metabolism
Some workouts only burn calories WHILE you're doing them. These workouts continue to burn calories even AFTER the workout is over.
"AfterBURN: 21-Day Metabolic Reset Program"
Get Tone, Lean & Strong

You're gonna DO-LEARN-Personalize-n-SELL as your own the "AfterBURN: 21-Day Metabolic Reset Program" to Get Tone, Lean & Strong -- for YOU, staff, patients, and community. But the caveat is, ... no one wants to buy from teachers anymore; They want to buy from those who have DONE it! You're gonna DO-LEARN-Personalize-n-SELL this #1 program for healthcare clinics.
You Get Lifetime Access to the Program after the Conference!

One-Time Ticket Price to the Conference, Gets You Lifetime Access to James "AfterBURN: 21-Day Metabolic Reset Program" in digital format. Backed by a 100% Money Back Guarantee.
You also get a Free License to personalize and sell as-your-own ($10,000 value) the "AfterBURN: 21-Day Metabolic Reset Program" to patients and clients in digital video format. There will also be an Already-Done-For-You By-My-Team option with details provided at the conference.

"I joined gyms, tried yoga, rode bike, ate healthy, nothing worked."

I was feeling down. I knew I had to do something or ... this was gonna take me over.
Then I stumbled across your Facebook page.
I was looking for awhile. I had done yoga for years on and off. And I looked at Pilates because it looked like something that would work.
But when I saw that you guys had an expertise with this Multifunctional Movement and what you did with that, I thought to myself,
“This is where I need to be.”
I had some back problems, knee problems, osteopenia, the shoulders, the sciatic pain, the knee pain.
I am Rhonda. I am 63 years old.
As of this morning,...
I am down 50 pounds from when I first started this!
— I know, right!
I feel 10 years younger!
It works. If you follow the program, it works.
You're worth it. There's hope.
RHONDA, 63Y/O, Metabolism Issue, Sciatica, Back & Knee Problems
The BEST Way to Get Tone, Lean & Strong Is By
Burning Calories & Inflammation When NOT Exercising
There are TWO WAYS your workouts can burn calories:
1. Your workout can burn during the workout.
2. Your workout can continue to burn calories (and visceral fat) AFTER your workout is done (when not exercising).
The Movements performed in the "AfterBURN: 21 Day Metabolic Reset Program" are designed to burn calories and inflammation (and visceral fat) after your workout is over...
...so that you your body keeps burning all the time, not just when you're working out.
This is the best way to get tone and lean.
Here's Why You Should NOT Miss

Let's cut to the chase...
I know (all too well) the stress and danger of running a clinic/business. This was a picture of me not too long ago...

I always said, "I'll do it later..." when it came to my health and fitness.
My business needs came first.
Searching for the next best marketing trick, or advertising method, or promotion strategy. Traveling to see clients, teach conferences, train staff, raise kids, -- "Who has time for workouts, de-stressing, or healthy cooking?"
But I began to notice weird things happening...
- The increasing belly bulge
- Losing breath climbing stairs
- Forgetting why I walked into a room
- The decreasing sex drive
Little did I know, I was being warned of something tragic.
The signs were being sent to me everyday. God was trying to warn me with these signs.
They were little signs back then but now, in hindsight, they were huge glaring megaphone blinking red warning signs!
One day, while entangled in an argument with a friend, I began feeling a tight pain in my chest, shoulder, and left jaw...
I thought for sure I was having a heart attack.
Luckily, it was only mild. Later that day, I decided to make a change. I decided to heed God's warnings. I decided to make my health and life a priority.
I decided to workout and destress regularly (I'll show you exactly what I do).
I decided to make ME a priority even over the duties to my family and business.
Yes, you heard me correctly... My health became more important than the duties to my family and business.
My boy Mac (12) thinks the world of me. Follows me. Mimics me.
My girl Cozy (9) watches me like a hawk. She's always listening even when I don't think she is. She's always observing...
If I don't set a good example for my kids, what will happen to them?! Will they develop the wrong habits, too?! I don't wanna take that chance. I won't take that chance.
Focus on improving your health (and mind) and your business will FOLLOW! Everything will follow! I guarantee it.
I've never been more eager and energized to electrify my business! Never.
I was able to turn it around with the quick MFM workouts and nutrition system,...
...and you can, too.
James Ko, PT
Founder of IndeFree & MFM

"In a recent national survey, 71% of people said their health is more important than their duty to job and family."
Here's How Just ONE MFM Workout Can Boost Metabolism & Calorie Burning for 24-72 Hours
These workouts are designed and optimized for those with gut, health, arthritis, or metabolism issues because that's the very reason they're metabolism is low and body is accumulating stored (visceral) fat in the first place.
Visceral fat is a symptom of an internal system issue (not a genetic one).
That's why even when they cut calories, they don't always burn visceral fat (and may gain even more as metabolism shuts down).
This program is more than just calories or fat... It's about fixing your health and internal systems.
It's important to know, these workouts are not like other exercises (like cardio, weights, yoga or HIIT),...
...they're based on MultiFunctional Movements that unlock and target inflammation and stored fat.
It replaces long boring cardio and gym memberships, and delivers long-lasting results.
The MFM 7 to 21 minute workouts you can do at home are designed and optimized for those with metabolism issues and ONE workout can increase calorie burning for 24-72 hours after the workout is done.
3 Worst Mistakes People Make...
Thinking: MORE Cardio = More Results
Longer cardio exercise in general is not 100% bad. But like anything, there's a right and wrong way to do it.
There are many reasons we don't generally recommend long cardio workouts, but here's a few:
- It's repetitive so it's easier to get injured and wear joints.
- It can train your body to store fat when done incorrectly.
- It can increase inflammation and pain if muscular imbalances and weakness is present.
There's a time a place for cardio and there's a way to perform them correctly but honestly it's not the best way to get tone and lean.
Thinking: Eating Less Calories = Less Fat
Stored fat is different from the 4 types of fat and don't respond well to cutting calories.
And for those with gut, health, arthritis and metabolism issues, intaking less calories can slow their metabolism.
We show you the 5-Foods you should include into your daily routine in order to boost metabolism. They can be found in any grocery store and cost less than bad/junk food.
We show you how to prep them and when to eat them.
But know...
that these 5-Foods alone won't boost metabolism as much as if you do the 5-Movements as well.
Avoiding Strength Exercises That Work Multiple Muscle Groups
When you start the MFM Workout, you're gonna feel muscles you never knew you had. You're gonna get sore. You're gonna feel challenged... But you're gonna love it at the same time.
"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you." (Do you agree?)
LADIES, don't worry: You're NOT gonna get big or bulky. I repeat, "You're not gonna get big or bulky." That just won't happen.
But what you ARE GONNA GET is... tight and tone everywhere. Nice, right?!
Strength training -- working multiple muscle groups in a certain sequence and pace -- is REQUIRED to boost metabolism and burn stored fat. It's required to reduce systemic inflammation.
GUYS, don't worry: You, on the other hand, are gonna grow some muscle, because you have a lot of testosterone (which ladies don't have much of). You are gonna see your muscles more defined and pop out more.
But make no mistake, ... The main purpose of the MFM Workouts is to reduce inflammation and boost metabolism, NOT become a bodybuilder.
3 Big Mistakes People Make include: 1. Thinking MORE CARDIO = More Results, 2. Thinking EATING LESS = More Results, and 3. Not Doing Strength exercises that work multiple muscle groups.
Here's WHY So Many Patients & Clients Are Paying Cash For This Program
1. They're tired of being unhealthy with slow metabolism and excess stored-fat. And when they see so many getting results with this program, people of the same walk of life, same condition, same age, who are getting a new lease on life. They can't resist. They sign up.
2. They don't know what to eat.
Many are overspending at the grocery store, or on expensive diet plans and packaged meals, when there's a much easier way and cheaper way.
3. They're scared.
They don't wanna die by diabetes, heart attack, stroke, or cancer. They don't wanna die an untimely death.
3. It replaces long, boring cardio.
No one wants to do long boring cardio but they falsely think it's the only to results. Once they learn the science, they're happy to know there's a better option.
4. It replaces their gym membership.
74% of gym goers hardly ever or never use their gym membership. They throw away over $959.24 every year.
"91% of adults, and 69% of kids are overweight and overfat (according to the National Library of Medicine). They say the prevalence of individuals obese and overweight is at the highest rate in US history."
"71% of People Say THEIR HEALTH IS MORE IMPORTANT Than Duty to Job and Family. "
What's All Included In The "AfterBURN: 21-Day Metabolic Reset Program"?

The 21-Day Metabolic Reset
Food & Workout Challenge
The AfterBURN: 21-Day Challenge is a health & fitness program optimized for those with metabolism issues. It's geared to boost metabolism and reduce inflammation for 24-72 hours after each workout (AfterBURN)
The secret to the program is in two things:
The 5-Food Method (see details below).
The 7 to 21-Minute MultiFunctional Movement Workouts that work multiple muscle groups, in a scientific sequence, at optimal intensities.
It's very different than HIIT, cardio, regular yoga or weight-lifting.
It's highly proprietary.
These movements are designed to correct imbalances, weaknesses, and reboot your metabolism, getting you tone, lean and strong in the shortest time possible.
Short 7 to 21-Minute Workouts - All you need is a pair of dumbbells and a yoga mat.
Workouts are 7 to 21-minutes and you get better results than an hour long of cardio or classes at the gym.
The proprietary protocols we use train your body to workout smarter, not longer.
Even though the workouts are short, you're gonna feel muscles you never knew you had. It's gonna be challenging. But it's gonna be soooo worth it.
When your metabolism is reset and trained to AfterBURN, you enjoy a tone, lean and strong body.

How to Take 5-Common Foods & Turn Them Into Metabolism Boosting Fuel
Do This With the 5-Workouts to Maximize Results
Included in the AfterBURN Program, you also get the secret to taking 5 common foods -- found at any grocery store -- and add them to your daily routine to boost metabolism and calorie burning.
Don't worry, I'm not gonna starve you or make you eat like a bird (No, that can show your metabolism).
You're gonna learn the truth about food and how to burn stubborn fat faster, balance hormones, and detox your body.
The prep is fast and easy and your whole family will love it. Kids even love it!
It's not "diet food" or pre-packaged meals you have to buy. And it replaces expensive diet plans.
You'll learn how to spend less at the grocery store yet fuel your body better with the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals it needs -- even healthy fats :)

At the conference, you're also going to learn about the BONUSES that come with the 21-Day Program. There are 3 bonuses at no cost.
The first bonus is the AfterBURN "FLUSH". It's a 7-minute routine (involves no weights) that effectively "flushes" out toxins from stored fat that cause inflammation, diabetes, high blood pressure, and more fat storage. Your body will keep "flushing" the toxins for 24-72 hours after you're done! This is important for health and better body.
The second bonus is AfterBURN ABS. It's a 5-minute routine unlike anything you've ever done -- in a good way. Most ab exercises cause back pain. Not with AfterBURN ABS. These make your back pain better! -- and flatter! Nice, right?!
The third bonus is RAPID RECOVERY. It helps to reduce soreness, prevent injury, and speed the recovery so you can feel good by next workout. This is a proprietary routine James Ko uses with top athletes in the country, -- but you don't have to pay top dollar to get it -- You get it absolutely free with the program!
So Here's What We're Gonna Do

YOU Reset Your Metabolism, Get Tone, Lean & Strong, AND a Proven Program to Sell!
If you don't increase your health, your business won't matter. Learn the secret to resetting your metabolism and reducing inflammation, the two main causes of stored fat, UNhealth, low energy, immune system, confidence, and mental clarity. Lead your team better. Run the business better. Help your patients better. Get certified as you get healthy, tone and lean.

Help YOUR TEAM Boost Metabolism, Get Tone & Lean
Bring EXCITE back to your team. There's nothing more exciting than changing the lives of your employees. Help them increase metabolism, get tone, lean and strong. Create a greater purpose to your organization, a greater mission, And watch your business grow!

START SELLING the #1 Cash Program Available to PT/OT Clinics
We show you the best way to promote this program, price to charge, how to promote, where to advertise (optional), how to convert into more patients for therapy, and more. It practically sells itself. But we'll show you how to scale it into something meaningful for your business.
Just So We Are clear On ...
What This Training Will Cost In the Future
One that Includes a License to a Top-Selling Proven Program, -- Training On How to Do It Yourself -- And Training On How to Sell It As Your Own...
I normally charge $2,000 to $5,000 to coach a consumer through the "AfterBURN: Metabolic Reset Program". Sure, it's not the 21-Day version, but some clients want to be held by the hand privately and want that private attention.
The MFM Certification Training alone sells at $1,497 to $2,000 for one ticket. But this is a special offer due to the important public service topic so I'm making an exception on this one.
The marketing, promotion and advertising training included at this conference would easily sell for $3,000 to $5,000 alone. But you get it included with the cost of the conference ticket.
Keep in mind,... the "Licensing" -- allowing you to personalize and sell-it-as-your-own -- alone is worth $10,000.
So, all in all, the conference, training, and license is worth in total $16,497 to $22,000. But you're not going to pay that. All you have to pay today is...

DALLAS, TX: Weekend of Sept 30th (Fri-Sun), 2022
You Get Lifetime Access to the Program after the Conference!
Tier 1: Ticket
Get In Now and Save
Tier 2: $797
Tier 3: $997
Tier 4: $1,497
One-Time Ticket Price to the Conference And You Get Lifetime Access to James "AfterBURN: 21-Day Metabolic Reset Program". Backed by a 100% Money Back Guarantee
Your Order is Secure and Money-Back Guaranteed!
You ALSO get a Free License to personalize and sell as-your-own ($10,000 value) the "AfterBURN: 21 Day Metabolic Reset Program" to patients and clients in digital video format. There will also be an Already-Done-For-You By-My-Team option made available with details provided at the conference.

If you're not fully blown away by the quality of this program/conference, I don't want you to pay one dime.
AND you get to take the information and conference materials free of charge.
But NO lifetime access nor can you keep the license to sell it. IMPORTANT: A "Non-Utilization Agreement" must be signed before any refund is issued.
From Past Students Who Wanted to Share Their Stories With You For Your Benefit

It was like my metabolism was just stuck.
Rhonda, 63 - Metabolic syndrome, sciatica, back & knee problem
It was hard to do anything.
I work on the 3rd floor of a building. Three flights of stairs should be nothing but it was for me. When I started putting on the weight I noticed, “Ohh, these three flights of stairs is getting harder.”
I was feeling down and I knew...
I gotta do something or this is going to take me over.
I’ve tried multiple yoga studios. I had joined the big gyms but didn’t last at those; I found them intimidating and harsh. I’ve always ridden bicycles and was still doing that but it wasn’t enough.
I still just kept putting on the weight.
Everything I tried on my own, I couldn’t see results.
Then I stumbled across your Facebook page.
I was looking for awhile. I had done yoga for years on and off. And I looked at Pilates because it looked like something that would work.
But when I saw that you guys had an expertise with this Multifunctional Movement and what you did with that, I thought to myself,
“This is where I need to be.”
I had some back problems, knee problems, osteopenia, the shoulders, the sciatic pain, the knee pain.
I am Rhonda.
I am 63 years old.
As of this morning, I am down 50 pounds from when I first started this— I know, right!
I feel 10 years younger!
It works.
If you follow the program, it works. You're worth it. There's hope.

Clarissa, 40yo
Metabolic Syndrome
Over the past 10 years, she tried everything. From bootcamps (like Camp Gladiator), to dieting, cutting calories, to meal plans, but nothing worked making her upset and thinking she had to live with it.
Glenn, 61yo
Metabolic Syndrome, HBP, Back & Knee Pain, Hypothyroid
He was weighing close to 230 pounds. It was hard for him to get up in the morning and even sit up straight.
Maritza, 43yo
Metabolic Syndrome, Hypothyroid
Thyroid meds caused pain, memory loss and constantly made her cry.
Proven By Patients & Clients
Losing Inches!
< swipe >

< swipe >

"The Powers That Be Don't Want Us Healthy"
Why?... They profit more when we are sick. It's an unfair fight. Normally, this type of program with so many proprietary rights, as a first-of-it's-kind, would not be available to other businesses. Many of you will make thousands with it (and potentially in the millions). But I believe "health" and fitness is a necessity today and should be a right available to anyone/everyone regardless of socio-economic or educational status. With your help, and by using digital and virtual methods, we can make it available to all.
James Ko, PT, Founder of MFM
About James Ko

James Ko, Nutrition & Performance Specialist, Fat & BMI Scientist, Sports Physical Therapist & Over 50 Dad
As a research geek and scientist, James couldn't sit idly by watching false information fly across the internet. "Why is everyone being told to cut calories when it's an internal system issue for 91% of adults (and 69% of kids)? Why is long cardio being suggested to everyone when it trains the body to store more fat, degrades joints, and isn't sustainable?"
So, James created the "AfterBURN: 21-Day Metabolic Reset Program" that laser-targets the root cause of inflammation and stored-fat and delivers fast results. For more than 20 years, he's helped patients, CEO's, postpartum moms, athletes, kids (people of all walks of life) quickly and safely get healthy, tone, lean and strong.
His mission is to shake-up the health/fitness industry by offering groundbreaking programs that deliver superior results. But more importantly, the step-by-step to turning it into a lifestyle (otherwise, what's it all for?). You can learn more about James Ko in his social profiles.
As short as 7 minutes up to 21-minutes. They're super short because we're gonna workout smarter, not longer.
Yes. The workouts alone will get you results but when combined with the 5-Foods to add to your daily routine, you get results fast. And we want this to become a lifestyle for you. The eating method is important to make that happen.
Yes. You get Lifetime access to the Online "AfterBURN: 21 Day Metabolic Reset Program" after the conference. You will also get a license to customize and sell it to your patients, clients and community.
If you can get up and down out of a chair, you can do the workouts. There are modified movements sitting in a chair, or using counter/furniture support. If you have multiple medical conditions, you need to consult with your healthcare provider before doing this program.
It will not be too easy for you. We have professional athletes who do the advanced workouts, and they find them more challenging than there routines. There are advanced level workouts.
Yes. We have a special module for those with back problems. If you recently had surgery, or will soon have surgery, consult with your surgeon prior to doing this program.
Yes. We have a special modifications for those with knee problems. If you recently had surgery, or will soon have surgery, consult with your surgeon prior to doing this program.
Yes. If you can get up and down out of a chair, you can do this program. We have a special modifications for those morbidly obese. If you recently had surgery, or will soon have surgery, consult with your doctor prior to doing this program.
If you can get up and down out of a chair, you can do this program. If you have multiple medical conditions, recently had surgery, or will soon have surgery, consult with your doctor prior to doing this program.
Yes. This program is about health and optimizing internal systems. Fat is merely a symptom of something else. If you are having gut, arthritis, skin, headaches or other issues, you will benefit from this program.
Yes. It's a good adjunct to other exercises/workouts. They're short. This program is about health and optimizing internal systems. If you are having gut, arthritis, skin, headaches or other issues, you will benefit from this program.
It's good for adults of all ages but also kids. 69% of kids are overfat in the US. Kids over the age of 6 can do this program.
Yes. It's designed for women having hormone, thyroid, and other internal system issues. There are workouts specifically for women and men.
Yes. It's designed for men with belly, visceral fat (fat surrounding organs), testosterone, thyroid and other internal system issues. There are workouts specifically for men and women separately.
Yes. Kids with excess fat, and other internal system issues, will benefit greatly. There are workouts specifically for kids.
Yes. It's designed to optimize internal systems (hormones, thyroid, cardiovascular, metabolism, etc.) for the very purpose of improving blood pressure, heart, lung, liver and other issues. There are workouts specifically for blood pressure issues.
James Ko's
"AfterBURN: 21 Day Metabolic Reset Program"
Get Tone, Lean & Strong
You're gonna DO-LEARN-Personalize-n-SELL as your own the "AfterBURN: 21-Day Metabolic Reset Program" to Getting Tone, Lean and Strong for YOU, staff, patients, and community. But truth be told, ... no one wants to buy from teachers anymore; They want to buy from those who have DONE it! You're gonna DO-LEARN-Personalize-n-SELL this #1 program for PT/OT clinics.

You Get Lifetime Access to the Program after the Conference!

One-Time Ticket Price to the Conference And You Get Lifetime Access to James "AfterBURN: 21 Day Metabolic Reset Program". Backed by a 100% Money Back Guarantee
You ALSO get a Free License to personalize and sell as-your-own ($10,000 value) the "AfterBURN: 21 Day Metabolic Reset Program" to patients and clients in digital video format. There will also be an Already-Done-For-You By-My-Team option with details provided at the conference.
DISCLAIMER: We’ve taken every effort to ensure we accurately represent this program and it’s potential to help you. However, we do not guarantee you will get immediate results, if any at all. To get results, you must put forth effort and stay consistent with the program. If you do nothing, you will get nothing in return. This is not a miracle cure or program and by law we cannot guarantee that you will achieve any results by signing up for the program. If you have any medical condition, please let James Ko know before doing the movements/exercises. This information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional. Your level of success in attaining results is dependent upon a number of factors. Most specifically your efforts, discipline and commitment. But also your knowledge, ability, focus, goals, physical or medical condition. Because these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee the exact success or results others have achieved. You alone are responsible for your actions and results. Our only guarantee is that you’ll be satisfied with the quality of the program. If you are not satisfied you can have a full refund.